for Families
and Weddings
in Regina
Capture Beautiful Family
and Wedding Moments
in Saskatchewan
Firstly, I am so grateful that you’ve even just found my page. Welcome to my little homemade business (my heart and soul), let’s have some fun!
Photography has been a part of me for as long as I can remember. While I grew up and dreamed of working a job that both fulfilled and challenged me creatively, I learned that this art can also be used as a way to understand and explore a place and a person. Countless artists before me have used this medium as a method to better understand a relationship, a culture, or even themselves.
While I grew up and dreamed of working a job that both fulfilled and challenged me creatively, I learned that this art can also be used as a way to understand and explore a place and a person. Countless artists before me have used this medium as a method to better understand a relationship, a culture, or even themselves.
I love people, and I’ve always known that my career would involve working with others.
Maple Jane Photo Co. was born out of a need to control my offerings and how I showed up for the world.
Though I am always snapping photos, I was trained as an elementary teacher right on time for the COVID pandemic to change our world. Quickly, I began to explore my creative passion alongside my teaching career – capturing humans as they are, where they are, and how they are.
I have always believed in seeing the beauty in what is natural and unprompted
…your wine glass balancing in your shoe, a record leaning against the couch. These are the things that make us who we are. Though I am a huge fan of prompting my clients to take advantage of some great light, I also want to capture you as people who have stories, histories, and movements that are unique.
My inspiration comes from art, professional or not, that make us feel something. Buildings and streets that were designed for pedestrians to walk slowly. Family photo albums. My sister’s drawings from when we were kids. Random people in parks just laying around twirling flowers. You get the idea.
Lastly – my favourite photos I’ve ever taken are of people I know well. This isn’t something that I can really foster all by myself, it comes from a relationship. I encourage you in your communication to be real with me and be your most true self – ask the questions, tell the jokes, be honest. When I better know you and your personality I will better capture it, I promise.
I can't wait to meet you!